Australian Kelpie
Australian Kelpie

Australian Kelpie

The Australian Kelpie is a dog breed that does not only serve as a companion animal. The dog is still in 'active service'. In Australia, the animal is still frequently used to herd sheep. Of course, there are also people who keep the dog for fun. Owners of this dog have to be somewhat active themselves. The Kelpie is extremely active and possesses, as it seems, endless energy.

The Kelpie fits well in a familybut is not overly affectionate. He takes his job, protecting the herd far too seriously. He prefers to be to the work, than hanging out on the couch.

The Australian Kelpie undoubtedly has Scottish roots. In any case, the Kelpie is descended from the Collies. There is doubt about the other breeds that formed the basis of the Kelpie. As sheep farming in Australia grew to enormous proportions, so did the need for good dogs that could herd the sheep. However, the traditional European dogs were not enough. The climate in Australia is quite different from the climate in Europe. Therefore, the Australian Kelpie was bred. This breed became enormously strong, possessed lots of energy and could work well in the hot, dusty landscape of the states of Victoria and New South Wales.

The owner of the dog should raise this animal in a calm manner. Time, attention and consistency are important. The animal is usually brought up and trained in a playful manner. The Kelpies are dogs that like to work. Therefore, active learning exercises are very suitable.

Facts about the Australian Kelpie

  • The Kelpie is generally white. A black Kelpie is called a "barb".
  • Kelpie is a Celtic word. It is translated as Water Sprite.

Characteristics Australian Kelpie

Australian Kelpie Specifications


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