

The Azawakh is one of the most slender and elegant dogs that there is. The dog originates from West Africa and was mainly kept by nomads. The Azawakh has not been known in Europe for very long. It only arrived in our part of the world in 1970. The animal is extremely fast. It has to be, because it hunted antelopes. The dog can sprint at a speed of about 65 kilometres per hour.

The original name of the Azawakh is "idii n'illeli". This is how the dog was called by the Tuareg nomads. Freely translated it means: the dog of the free people. The dogs grew up among the nomads and were truly part of the people. They were considered full members of the family. Of course, they also fulfilled their duties. They were responsible for protecting the camp. In addition, they also provided food. The dogs hunted antelopes, among other things. As you often see in the history of dog breeds, modernisation almost became the downfall of this dog. As firearms became more common, the dogs were needed less and less.

The Azawakh is a friendly and affectionate dog for acquaintances. He has more trouble with strangers. After all, the dog is originally a watchdog. In addition, the animal is also very proud and self-confident. The owner of this beautiful dog will have to make it clear that he is the boss. The dog respects that. The Azawakh expects, however, respect in return. He will react badly to a hard upbringing. Because the Azawakh is so self-confident, it is important to start early with the education. It is especially important to let him meet strangers and other animals early on.

Characteristics Azawakh

Azawakh specifications


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