The Beauceron is a beautiful, powerful and smart herding dog. They have a majestic and dignified appearance. The dog is firmly built, but at the same time is fast and agile.
The breed originated in the late Middle Ages, at least in 1586 a manuscript appears in which this dog is described. He probably existed before that time. Since that time the Beauceron has served as a watchdog, companion, war dog and cattle guardian. In the First World War the dogs used in the trenches. Nowadays, the dog is still used as a police dog.
The Beauceron is a protector of the weak. They are good with small children and youngsters. The dog needs a boss who takes the lead. However, the dog also has its own instinct and wants to make its own decisions. A good boss will have to find a good balance. The dog likes stability and calm. A restless owner will certainly pass on this restless behaviour to the dog. The dog will then become aggressive or afraid.
Although the dog originally has a gentle nature and cares for the weak, it can show aggression. This is especially the case when its owner cannot control it. Also, the dog will not accept that its owner or housemates are in danger. The dog can then definitely start showing aggressive behaviour. Therefore, it is not the most suitable dog for someone who has never had a dog.
By nature, a Beauceron is not a family dog. The Beauceron is very protective and is not easily open to strangers. As with every dog proper training is important. This also applies to the Beauceron. Since it is a large dog with a high energy level, a good upbringing is even more important.
You raise a Beauceron by providing a safe environment in which it can use its energy. Focus on desired behaviour and reward it with attention. Establish clear rules for you and your family. It is important that everyone obeys these rules. Do not expect too much from your Beauceron in the beginning. The high energy level and the strength that they have at a young age, the pup must also learn to control. In addition, provide for relaxation and rest. Do you have no experience in raising a large dog with lots of energy? Then contact a professional and follow a puppy course.
A Beauceron grows to a maximum height of 70 centimetres. This is the shot height of a male dog. The shot height of a bitch is between 61 and 67 centimetres.
A Beauceron becomes 40 kg on average. A large male Beauceron can reach 50 kilos. The minimum weight for a small bitch is 32 kilos.
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