The Jack Russel
The Jack Russel

Jack Russell

The Jack Russell is one of the nicest family dogs around. It has a lot of energy and can amuse itself when it has the space. However, he is also very fond of the family in which he grows up. He is always in for a stroke on his beautiful head, a walk, or a game of frolic. In addition, the Jack Russell is very curious. He will regularly come to see what his owner is doing now.

A certain John Russell is the founder of the Jack Russell. The dog is also partly named after him. John Russell had many interests. In the first place he was a clergyman. During his student days he bought a dog named Trump. Russell apparently also liked to breed dogs and of hunting. He bred dogs to accompany him while he hunted badgers and foxes. The dog had to be small enough to fit in the saddlebag, but brave enough to chase the fox or badger from its lair.

The Jack Russell has a lively character. When you buy this dog, you will have to make sure that the animal can use its energy. Playing, having adventures, or exploring on your own, it's all in the nature of this animal. The animals are also pretty smart, they can learn a lot. In addition, these dogs have a brave character, they are quite watchful and are not afraid to chase a burglar.

The dog is certainly not afraid, but that can also work to its disadvantage. When a Jack Russell gets involved in a fight, he doesn't just back down. In fact, it will fight to the bitter end. Of course it's nice that the dog is so brave, but that can get him into dangerous situations. Especially when he gets into a fight with bigger dogs.

The Jack Russell is a real family dog, given enough time for the family to spend with him. They can be reasonably well left alone, but are always glad to see their owner(s) again. Towards strangers they are initially reserved, but once the dog has seen that his master trusts the stranger, it is soon all right. However, this does not apply to a stranger who has treated them unfairly in the past. They never forget this.

Training a Jack Russell is not difficult, but it does require a lot of patience. The animals are quite intelligent and like a challenge. The intelligence also ensures that they are easily distracted. Therefore, make sure that the training is challenging.

Characteristics Jack Russell

Jack Russell specifications


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