The friendly Weimaraner is a nice dog, with a special, stately head. This breed is very intelligent and was used for hunting in the past. Nowadays, it is a sweet family dog that gets along well with young children. However, the dog is not suitable for an owner who prefers to hang out on the couch with a bag of chips. The dog is in fact quite active and will gladly go outside for a nice walk!
The name of this breed refers to the court where the dog was bred. The dog was bred at the Weimar court where it supported the nobility in hunting. This hunting dog was created by the Bloodhoundknown for its sense of smell, and the English Pointer, known for its ability to point out game. During the Second World War, breeding this breed became almost impossible. Some dogs were bred in the USA. There, they were bred to such an extent that they became unmanageable. In the 1960s, however, breeders made a new start with this breed. As a result, the powerful, sweet, and intelligent dog has survived. By the way, after a walk, the Weimaraner likes to curl up on the sofa with its owner!
The Weimaraner is an active dog. When you own this beautiful dog, you have to be reasonably active yourself. The dog loves to move. The Weimaraner is a real family dog. He loves the company of family members and likes to be a part of the family. Being alone is nothing for this beautiful dog. The Weimaraner has a fairly well-developed hunting instinct. This means that, if raised properly, they can hunt other dogs. dogs can accept. Other animals should be kept away from them, they are not safe for this dog.
Raising a Weimaraner puppy can sometimes be quite a challenge. A breeder of this dog once said: the good news about this dog is that he is smart, the bad news about this dog is that he is clever. With that he meant that the dog learns both good and bad habits quickly. The pup is quite intelligent and quickly adopts the motto: but what's in it for me? The dog therefore does well in training that is calm and consistent. The best thing is to teach the animal that what you want, is also what he wants.
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