Pet Guide
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20 dogs that you can train well
That dogs need to be educated is no surprise. Just like any human being, a dog needs to learn skills. One dog will be better able to

The 20 lightest dogs
Are you looking for a cosy lap dog? Or do you want your child(ren) to be able to walk the dog without any problems? Then there is a chance

20 least energetic dogs
You can't run around with a dog all day but you are looking for a sweet and loyal four-legged friend.

The top 20 family dogs
Looking for a faithful four-legged friend that everyone in the family will adore? A dog that can cope well with (the sometimes

Feeding schedule: what and how much does a bearded dragon eat? FAQ
One of the most difficult things for a new owner to do is to establish the right feeding schedule. In this article, we discuss the daily, weekly and monthly nutrients

How often should you change the water of a bearded dragon?
You should change the water of your bearded dragon once a day. You need to change the water more than once a day when your Bearded Dragon

Recognising diseases in Bearded Dragons and what to do
The following article discusses the most common diseases and disorders of bearded dragons. We will try to give an overview as good as possible, but as always it's the

Best terrarium for bearded dragons: Exo Terra Glass Wide/Tall
Looking for the perfect terrarium? Exo Terra's glass terrariums are the perfect way to create a completely natural environment for your bearded dragon.

3 Best ways to feed live insects to your bearded dragon
One by one Although it may seem awkward, a great way to feed live insects to your beard is to put them one by one in

Can bearded dragons eat banana?
The short answer: yes, you can, but only once or twice a month. Why can't bearded dragons eat bananas more often? Bananas are a nutritious